Natural Gas Marketing

Producer Services

Our team of professionals has combined experience of just over 98 years in the Oil and Gas Industry.

Our team of professionals has combined experience of just over 98 years in the Oil and Gas Industry.
  • Optimization of pipeline transportation services across Canada
  • Management of transportation from wellhead to sales point(s)
  • 24/7/365 gas operations, scheduling, nominations and gas balancing
  • Direct markets across Canada
  • Risk Management
  • Structured Products are only done with your corporate authorization
  • Strategies for revenue management and optimization
  • Daily trading, monthly and long term purchases and sales
  • Contract management for the GasEDI, ISDA contracts, G&P and more
  • Take In Kind notices
Patriot back to backs all its purchase and sales agreement with credit worthy counter parties, we do not trade your natural gas onto a book or for our own profit. Patriot does not take trade risk. Every transaction for your benefit is first cleared with you and with your express authorization, no exceptions.


Patriot Energy creates daily Market Updates as a service to our clients.
Power & Alternate Fuels
Take a look at our Power & Alternate Fuels company!