Corporate Profile

Corporate Profile Overview

Alt text here Patriot Energy Marketing Inc. delivers, supplies and markets natural gas, crude oil and liquids from the wellhead to the burner tip, efficiently, timely and cost effectively. Our client base includes but is not limited to junior and intermediate sized oil and gas producers, Industrial End Users and Utility's.

Since 2002, Patriot Energy Marketing Inc has grown its business to include a new entity in 2007 which offers Power / Electricity consulting and soon delivered discounted power to our clients in the Alberta deregulated market.

See our website for Patriot Power and Alternate Fuels Inc.

Patriot Energy: Natural Gas Marketing

Our team of professionals has combined experience of just over 98 years in the Oil and Gas Industry. For Natural gas we offer;
  • Optimization of pipeline transportation services across Canada
  • 24/7/365 gas operations, scheduling, nominations and gas balancing
  • Direct markets across Canada
  • Risk management
  • Structured products
  • Strategies for revenue management and optimization
  • Daily trading, monthly and long term purchases and sales
We do not trade your natural gas on a book or for our own profit. We buy and sell your commodity for your corporate value. We are not a take risk Trading Shop. And we do not take risk with your commodity. Our CFO manages our risk and all our markets are vetted out for credit security purposes.

Patriot Energy: Crude and Liquids

For Crude and Liquids we offer;
  • Crude Oil Buying at the lease
  • Selling to credit worthy counter-parties on both side of the border
  • Transportation arrangements
  • Railed Crude arrangements
  • Price optimization
  • Strategies and development of crude markets to fit our clients' needs
We do not believe in risk taking ventures with our client's commodities. Our purchases and sales are all back to back and with credit worthy counter-parties. We utilize industry approved contracting and confidentiality agreements to secure our clients' interests.


Patriot Energy creates daily Market Updates as a service to our clients.
Power & Alternate Fuels
Take a look at our Power & Alternate Fuels company!